Your dental care is as personal and individualized as your medical care. Each person has unique needs and challenges when it comes to dental health. At our Sugar Land dental office, Dr. Reagan Grizzle tailors your dental care to your specific needs.
Our dental cleanings are not one size fits all. We recommend more extensive cleanings for people who suffer from periodontal (gum) disease or are more prone to getting decay. We may also recommend other preventative treatments like fluoride.
The American Dental Association recommends that everyone have a cleaning (and examination) every six months. For most of our patients, we feel that this recommendation is appropriate. However, if you have a history of decay or gum disease, we may recommend more frequent cleanings and exams to keep you healthy.
Even though most insurance companies only cover two exams and cleanings each year, we base our recommendations on what our patients need. So, if Dr. Grizzle or our hygienist recommend more frequent cleanings, it is because we want to do what it takes to keep you healthy. In most cases, the cost of additional cleanings and exams is minimal compared to some of the more complex treatments we might be able to avoid like fillings and periodontal treatment.