Dr. Reagan Grizzle is sympathetic to your condition and will never proceed with dental work if you are uncomfortable, but we also know dentistry may be necessary from time to time.
Did you know that anxiety could prevent you from getting numb? Because anxiety causes a rush of adrenaline and stress hormones, the medications we use do not have the same effect as they would on a patient who feels completely relaxed.
Whether your anxiety comes from being at the dentist or because you know you have trouble getting numb, we can help. At our Sugar Land, TX dental office, we offer sedation dentistry to our patients in order to help them get numb and stay numb.
Because sedation relaxes you completely, our numbing medication has the opportunity to work effectively. You will not be worried about your procedure and we can proceed with a comfortable, pain-free, and anxiety-free dental visit.
We can use nitrous oxide or a stronger medication, if nitrous is not enough to make you feel relaxed and at peace about your appointment. Our compassionate team will work with Dr. Grizzle to find a solution that suits your needs so you can have the dentistry necessary to restore your health.